Lady in Red, I Bid Adieu

When I first saw her, she literally
matched my phone case and she and I developed an instant connection. A
connection that I knew would be a good one (with a dollop of bad, here and
there with her technical difficulties and what not). Anyhow, she’s managed to
make me smile even for a little while when I’m in a mess that leads to an
influx of stress. Her ability to let me listen to music and watch movies (as
and when I want to) has saved my life as a writer. A writer who looks for
inspiration in times of exasperation. Exasperation to script the right words to
several worlds. Yes, I know she is an inanimate piece of work. But, if you are
a writer, you’d probably relate to me when I say that nothing in this world is inanimate
in our eyes. It just boils down to how we perceive it. We connect inanimate objects
to situations. Situations that have led our lives for better or worse.
Lady in Red, please know that despite of the number of times
I’ve yelled at you, I am grateful that you put up with me and helped me in my
times of need. And, please know that our connection was certainly a good one.
You gave me the canvas to paint my thoughts and I will never forget you. I
will miss you dearly and truly. And the memories I made with you will always be
a part of my soul. For the next person who gets you, I sincerely hope, their heart is full of gold.