Saving Grace

10:50 PM Stephanie 0 Comments

Depression is a constant fighting battle. And, if you are going through it right now, I know how hard it could be. How would I know, you may wonder? It's simply because I continue to go through it in my life.

Everyday seems like a waking struggle. A waking struggle to understand why things happen a certain way. It's not something you can deny but given the situation you are in, if you surround yourself with the right people, then things get better when it's bitter. These people may not understand how you feel at that exact point in time. But, they try their level best to be there for you. They become your silent support. The silent support that sits by you and stays with you in your time of need. They might not say much. But, having them around makes life so much better. Because, you will experience the good, the bad and the ugly with them.

I know that we live alone and we die alone at the end of the day. 

But, lucky for us, we are given guardian angels on earth to watch over us and make us feel safe. 
Safe in a place there seems to be no saving grace. 
Let them be by you, hold your hand and walk beside you. 

Because these people, are the ones that make your life worth living. Living within a realm of happiness in the world that surrounds us with its sadness.

The pain and sorrow gets stripped away, if you just see the people that light up your life. The people that erase the dimness in your eyes and help you brighten up like the morning sky. 

You are not alone, although you feel lost and cold. 

Because, there are people who will save you my beautiful soul. Even if they aren't around, fear not, because you can save yourself before you grow old.


Because, just like you, there are people who are waiting for a savior. A savior that will help them out of danger.

And you can be that savior. Because you know how it feels through life's reels. Reels that can whip you, strip you and rip your soul.

So, all I ask of you is to be a saving soul that makes another person whole.

It's tough, yes, I know.

But, I have faith in you. Faith that you can be great in life's race - by being a saving grace for the human race.