For Better Years Ahead

10:13 PM Stephanie 1 Comments

Someone once said that if you meet the love of your life, nothing can stop you from being with him/her. Be it circumstances or any external factor, eventually, if you are patient enough, it will happen. As hopeful as I've been about that particular statement, there comes a time in your life where you become hopeless. In my opinion, that particular statement is simply clichéd. For some of us, it's not remotely close to a possibility. When you meet someone, you know in the depths of your heart and soul that he/she is indeed the one. At least, I did. 

As I said, I have been in a similar situation and I have learnt to realize that love plays no role in it. You might have a heart full of love that will overflow for that person. But, it all boils down to nothing. Because, love doesn't matter. It's just a feeling that derivates false hope in an underlying falsifying illusion of faith. Faith that it's bound to work out merely because that person 'loves you'. The bitter truth is love is not considered something to hold on to and guard with your dear life. It's just a bunch of feelings that are undervalued. Amidst the difficulties you overcome to find love, it doesn't matter. Because love is a fucked up notion - in this context, it certainly is. Leave alone my situation, you just look around and observe similar situations and ask yourself if what you believed as love is actually love after all. It isn't. It's only an illusion. So don't fall for it. 

People walk into your life and make you feel like you can strip your guard down, and in a split second, everything is gone. But, that's okay. Why? Because, you learn that human beings are the nocturnal kind. The kind that are in a twist of emotions that they themselves don't understand. The kind that don't realize that you're right there, because you don't matter. In some cases, maybe you do but, you don't matter enough. 

My advice to you is come into terms with it and deal with the pain until it amounts to merely a scar that reminds you of an addition to your learning curve. Be with people who are deserving of your love. People who are heart broken in their own way and who are in far graver situations than you are. Be it family who values your time, orphaned children who yearn for love or friends who just need your shoulder to lean on. If you live by this philosophy, you will certainly do justice to yourself and to others. So, if you want to follow my path, cheers to your very own journey that will be filled with better years ahead.

1 comment:

  1. Everyone's a blank canvas you see. It's the people we come across and circumstances we face that add the colours and the strokes and the textures. Black paint is part of the programme. It helps frame the light colours and brings them out more. Some brushes are rough but they are the antagonist, adding layers of depth and inner meaning through the pain of the stroke. Does one bad brush mean we must close ourselves out to the possibilities of life? No, because we're not all canvas. We're human. What are doing here? Who knows. Till someone finds out it's all about experiencing the colours of the world. IMO, really. But don't let one person's indifference extinguish your difference.
