Painfully Lucky

2:54 AM Stephanie 0 Comments

Vickie666 Devian Art
Pain isn't a bad thing. It just means that you have been to places, heard voices and seen faces. Faces that are temporary or ever seeking. Faces that make you feel pain. Just the thought of them pinches your heart. Understanding pain makes you want to recover and get to higher ground. You just need to look around and see good things and let it brighten up the smile on your face.

On rare occasions, you meet very special people. The kind of people that would be part of your life no matter where you are or what you do. They make you forget your own pain and give you ounces of hope that you never had.

 It's a blessing in disguise I tell you. That's possibly how the stars blanket the dark skies just to shed some light. A little bit of light that guides you through the night.

You are one of those special people in my life. The kind that I'd want around for the rest of my life. Just remember, sometimes, if you are lucky, on rare occasions you meet people.

People who just light up your life through the darkest of times.