Gratitude Towards Your Saving Grace

10:57 PM Stephanie 0 Comments

Today I'm going to take the time to show my gratitude towards the people who have being a part of my life. The kindred souls who have got me through things that have affected my sight and perceived the worst of times. Thanks to your support, I have experienced the best. A kind of best that helps me enjoy life's zest. 

You know who you are.

You have stood by me as my silent support, shielded me during the darkest of times and encouraged me to continue amidst the dreaded twists and turns of life.

It is because of you that I have the strength to stand strong and tall. It is because you take the time to put a smile on my face when I need that saving grace. A saving grace that can help me continue in life's race. 

I promise you that I will pass this on with a heart full of humility and good-will. Good-will that will pass on for generations to come. Generations that will strive to help each other, learn from each other and inspire each other. 

The generosity you showed me has helped me survive a lonely abyss. An abyss that I was not able to dismiss. 

So, here's my heart-felt gratitude to people I consider the best. The best that will continue to inspire the rest.