Maternal Father

7:27 AM Stephanie 0 Comments

IandIphoto Devian Art
Most people say that no other person can ever replace a mother. A mother's love is unconditional and it is never failing. That's what most people say.

My experience however, is different. I have been fortunate to have what I would like to refer to as a 'Maternal Father'.

Women are known to be emotional but it doesn't necessarily mean that they can always provide unconditional love. Men, however are known to be emotionless. They have to constantly show a tough exterior, no matter how hard they are crashing inside.

Growing up around a father, rather than a mother has taught me otherwise. It has taught me that a father can be emotional, radical, and most importantly lovable. I have seen him take on a mother's role as well as a father's role. I can't imagine myself in his shoes and I don't think most people could imagine themselves in his shoes either.

But he did it with soulful bravery, selfless devotion and a heart full of emotion.

And because he did, I am here today. I am a perfectly capable human being who has learnt to love, live and light up this world in my own little way.

The light he shed on me is the light I continue to shed in this world. This is who I've become.

The stereotypical role of a father nor mother doesn't really define who you are according to society’s norm of a certain identity. It all boils down to how you inhale things that would add value, and exhale them unto others.

That's what this life is about, isn't it? At least an important part of it.

When you really think about it, it’s an enormous responsibility.

We marry, create our own ménage, age until our bones are brittle and then we embrace death. If the wisdom bestowed upon us is not passed onto future generations, the world would be a pretty awful place to live in it, wouldn't it?

My Maternal Father you. Thank you for the life you have taught me to live and love. I can't imagine my life without you but, someday I know I will have to.

Until then, I will love you and take care of you until you go into an endless slumber that will lead you through the gates of heaven.