Surviving Hurt

1:35 AM Stephanie 0 Comments

Facing an insurmountable amount of hurt feelings is a tough task. A task that consumes energy from within your heart and soul.

A wound to the heart, an ache to the soul. Suppressed within, you must survive. You must survive, until you can open your wings and fly in the realms of a different destination. A destination that will embrace you with open arms. A safe haven of love and enlightenment.

Getting there is the hard part isn't it? When you break, you fall right down. You are shattered. With a mustard seed of hope, you pick up the pieces, to find renewed hope. Hope in not going back there again. Not being broken again. We all want that don't we? It's human nature. But, do we really get there?

I wonder.

Is this how it works for everyone? I guess so. There is no defined coping mechanism. You just accept it, just the way it is.

If there is one thing I’ve learnt about hurt. Face it head on, and let go. Don’t cling on to things that bring you down. You are better than that aren’t you?

Forgive if you have to. Cry if you want to. Think of what you love to do the most and how you handle the kind of disappointment that comes along with it. Think of all the people who are in far worse situations than you are.

When you get through the rough patches, you’ll be standing tall and strong.

Hurt is temporary. Scars remain, yes.

You are a beautiful creature, you.

Love yourself truly, completely and wholeheartedly. Because, at the end of your life, if you remain true to yourself, life will remain true to you.