Lost in Transition: Navigating the Emotions of Self-Discovery and Healing

It has been a while since I have put my thoughts into words. So much has happened, and to be honest, I am not sure how I feel about it all. My emotions feel like an intricate puzzle scattered across my mind and heart. A mix of contradictions, confusion, and acceptance. Is this a personal crisis? Or is this just what it means to come to terms with the reality of those we once idolized?

Coming to terms with the fact that my mother is gone has been a journey in itself. There are moments when I still feel her presence, like a whisper in the wind or a warmth that lingers in the quietest corners of my heart. But the truth is, she never really tried to be a mother to my sister and me. She was there, yet absent in all the ways that mattered. I ache for the love she never gave, for the words she never spoke, for the nurturing she never offered. My heart breaks for my sister and me, for the void that now lives where her presence should have been.

When I think of my father, I feel sorrow too. Life hasn't been easy for him, and when one carries the weight of past wounds, it’s easy to make decisions that are driven by pain rather than clarity. A life full of undue pressure and sacrifice can shape people in ways that are difficult to understand.

I sit here wondering—was my birth what triggered their struggles? Was I not enough? Was my sister not enough? Sometimes, I cry thinking about it, but I don’t quite know why. It’s just a heaviness that lingers in my heart. And when that weight becomes unbearable, crying in solitude helps me gather my thoughts and breathe again.

This has been a recurring cycle for over a year now. There are days when I feel completely shut off from my emotions, and then there are moments when I feel overwhelmed with feelings I can’t even put into words.

Yet, through it all, I find solace in the higher powers of this universe—Jesus, Shiva, Vishnu, Durga. I feel like they are all watching over me, like nurturing parents offering comfort in moments of distress. For that, I am forever grateful.

I am also grateful for the things that keep me going—the stability of my job, the people I work with, my sister, my niece, my friends, my cousin—who is also my soul sister—and even the little stray dogs and cats that pause their day to greet me. They remind me that despite the uncertainty, love and warmth exist in the smallest of moments. I hope to continue finding the strength to live so I can cherish these blessings for as long as I can.

I have come to understand that impermanence is the only constant in life. And most of the time, I feel like I don’t quite belong here. When I look up at the vast night sky, I feel as though my true home is somewhere among the stars—far away from the chaos of this world. Perhaps, I am just a wandering soul on this planet, searching for a space to finally call home.

For now, I will keep searching. I will keep living. And I will keep finding beauty in the little things.

Are We Living a Conscious Life?

When you get to a stage of profound awareness, you tend to see the world through a different set of eyes. As time goes by, I continue to disseminate the negative layers of a lifetime that held me back. I'm beginning to see how simple life really is. People of the world have become slaves to worldly things, they themselves have created. Causing hurt and pain to another living being gets easier every day because people are taken for granted and continue to be consumed by their own life and what they need to do. Selfishness floats around aimlessly and fills spaces more than the air we breathe. Destruction is inevitable. Do you remember the Easter bombings that took place two years ago on this very same day? Nurturing yourself to be a conscious human being is a difficult journey but that's what helps you see how simple life really is. I recently received more clarity through the lesson of hurt. If we don't value and appreciate a living being who loves us unconditionally and effortlessly, that hurt we cause returns not only back to us but to our loved ones as well. That really got me thinking. I guess that's what they refer to as karma. For the most part of it, I thought of how I can continue to be strong enough to remove myself from a person or situation that hurts me so that no one else gets hurt in the process. When I remove myself from that very same circumstance, then no sin can be committed, by anyone or anything. 

Time is precious. When we wake up every single day, we are given a chance to live, breathe and make ourselves better in every aspect of our lives. If we look beyond the very same God or people who have been there for us, holding our hand through everything and don't do the same for them, then God will change their hearts in due time. God does this not because he doesn't love us but because he's trying to teach us a lesson that we haven't fully learnt. No matter what values you have been taught while growing up, you can mold yourself to be the best version of yourself because each one of us are accountable for our own lives. From our past experiences, we need to take the good and leave the bad behind. You see, the funny thing about life is that we are all blessed with beautiful talents, gifts, people, situations and so much more but how we appreciate them and nurture them each day, is what counts. We've got 24 hours in a day so it's up to us to choose wisely and give of our time and energy to the elements closest to our heart. If we don't, the very same things that we were blessed with, will be taken away. And regret is a lesson too. In everything God provides, there is a lesson and a blessing. When we pray, it’s not only God who hears us. There is evil listening on it too. Evil too, listens in on our prayers and creates a package that we may feel is right for us. This is why being conscious of everything we say, think or do in alignment with God's purpose for us is so important.

So, before you begin your day, take a step back, pray and ask the one up above, do I use up my time wisely on the things that matter the most? Am I investing on myself to glorify God's name or am I investing on myself in relation to worldly ways? Am I a balanced individual - physically, emotionally, and spiritually - or am I caught up in life's rat race? Am I aware of the blessings God has provided through people or situations or do I take those blessings for granted? Do I give of my time to nurture a strong foundation for all the blessings God has provided me with? Am I consistent in showing love, care, and appreciation to God, people or situations I consider important in my life? Do I unknowingly reject or hurt God or the people who deserve to be treated better?

Living a conscious life isn't difficult but to do that, one must reach a profound level of self-awareness from within. When we are aware of ourselves more profoundly, we can be even more aware of the impact we create towards people, our surroundings, and the universe around us. And until every person discovers that awareness within and connects to the higher consciousness realm whole-heartedly, the world will continue to be filled with darkness where evil parades itself gloriously. If we let this darkness consume our lives, things like immorality, greed, malice, wickedness, lies, hate, arrogance, selfishness, self-centeredness, ignorance, sadism, moral disengagement, egoism, machiavellianism, spitefulness will overpower us. Look around us. These are the very same contributors that destruct so many lives. What stems from evil eventually leads to unfortunate events such as child trafficking, unethical business endeavors, poverty, murder, divorces, broken marriages, broken hearts, broken families, drug addictions, workaholism, alcoholism, mental addictions, physical addictions and so much more.

We can all fight this together as God's individual creations but to go down that path, let's become more conscious - more aware of ourselves and what we do. If we do things the right way and lift ourselves up to a realm of higher consciousness, we can make the world a better place, not just for us, but for our future generations as well. 

Living for Today

Someone very close to my heart told me that instead of thinking of tomorrow, we need to live for today. It really got me thinking. So if I were to think of living today, I'd probably give of my time and energy to the things or people that matter to me the most because we never know what will happen tomorrow. Maybe I'd add helping a living being or a couple of living beings into the mix as well and appreciate God's creation of this beautiful planet that we have conveniently destroyed. 

So many of us take so many things for granted without realizing what's here today could be gone tomorrow. It only takes a moment for things to change. So I guess its important to take inventory and make sure that each day is spent wisely on things that matter because when we go six feet under, your soul will rest in peace with these beautiful memories. 

To me, no materialistic thing can replace the amount of smiles I can put on a person who really needs it, giving of my time and energy to people who I value no matter how hectic my day gets, feeding a couple of road doggies and teaching a 10 year old to pray to our invisible, father and friend. 

I guess today will continue to remain our reality and tomorrow will remain a possibility. Living for today really makes sense so open your heart, mind and soul to life's truest essence. 

It’s a Good Life!

As human beings it’s only natural to wish for the things we don’t have instead of being thankful for the things we already have. Sometimes when you go about with life, you will meet people – people who have been through so much in life. Things you can’t even imagine. And I’ve always realized that I encounter people of this nature when I feel like there are missing pieces in my life. Listening to what these people have been through always makes me grateful for what I already have. Gratitude is something we sometimes forget, maybe not intentionally but because of the life we live. Because of the pain and sorrow we go through. Pain varies from person to person, but I guess to overcome your own pain, God puts certain people in front of you, so that you’d become stronger and happy with the blessings you already have.

Today, I would like to be grateful for the good things I’m blessed with. A roof above my head, a comfortable bed to sleep on, food to eat,  plenty of water to drink, a family to lean on, a loving boyfriend to have and to hold,  a supportive circle of friends, the beauty of nature – be it sun or rain, a job that helps me earn an income to do the things I like to do and so much more. If you are reading this right now, and you’re having a bad day, remember, there will be light amidst all of that darkness. You just need to take a closer look and it’s right there. The more you count your blessings and continue to do good for humanity, the more you’d be rewarded with so much more.

Believe in yourself, always. Believe that you have a purpose in every situation you encounter.  

And even though life gets rough, it’s just to make you tough.

Tough enough to be a WARRIOR.

A WARRIOR who’d continue to FIGHT for their LIFE because in the end, that’s what makes it WORTHWHILE 💗.

INFJ Rambles

To us INFJs, our world – inner and outer – is a constant paradox of what life should ideally be. We feel so deeply and take things so intensely. Sometimes, I can’t imagine the processing power of how our minds work. We’d think of a million things at the same time, trying to understand and justify how things work in a certain way. We are people watchers. Not the stalking type. But we watch people and can sense their energy from miles away because that’s who we are. Highly sensitive and extremely receptive to our surroundings. I sometimes wonder why I feel things so strongly. So gravely. But that’s just who I am. Loving and caring comes very natural to us. But we can be a conflicted contradiction. Yes, we can be. Because more or less of the time, as much as we love to be there for almost everyone, we run into our shell, to stay in our thoughts. Solitude refines us. Helps us re-energize ourselves in order to breathe. Breathe from the chaos around us. Breathe from how sensitive we are to energy and how that energy becomes a part of us. Because we empathize. Empathy, I wonder, is it a curse or a blessing? To feel a person’s emotions or even our strong intuition that helps us understand a person’s true intentions.

Sounds exhausting doesn’t it?

It is but we continue to do what we have to do. Most of the time, we feel alone so we hold ourselves back from the world that’s in front of our eyes. We mask ourselves away so that people don’t see our paradoxical nature. Most people think we are ambiverts. Maybe so. But introverts, we certainly are. Always zoning out in our thoughts. And we are never good enough. No matter how much we improve ourselves, we find that there is a missing piece in the puzzle. We become our worst critic. Constantly under-appreciating the things, we do for humanity and perceiving ourselves as failures when ever we do something wrong. It’s a constant battle in our minds.

And, if you are lucky enough, you’d come across a person or people who will see right through you. Once you do, they will see your naked soul and maybe they’d find it difficult to understand who you truly are and maybe they won’t. When you feel exposed, you sometimes feel uneasy. Afraid. Afraid that people won’t accept the paradox, you truly are.

But life goes regardless of acceptance or rejection doesn’t it?

As Leo Tolstoy states, “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” Something I like to live by. Because, change at the end of the day, begins with you. I may be my worst critic but if it helps me grow and become a better person, that will certainly help me make the world a better place, or rather, I’d like to think so.


Reaching a level of spirituality where the worldly materialistic wealth doesn’t feed my soul is possibly the most important achievement I’ve had so far this year. So many questions on how the world works, how people turn out the way they do and the epiphany of this thing we call living. Expectations, expectations, expectations. Possibly the mother of ruin and disappointment. Everyone expects something. Even though you’re a whole human being on your own, the expectations never stop. I was probably there too.

At present it’s a different story for me. The art of living in the spiritual sense where you feel like nothing can disturb your peace of mind is the best gift I’ve given myself. You know you have reached this point when nothing can really break you, instead you have immense love to give out to the world. And this love is unconditional. This love I give out is not what I expect a return from. Instead, I want love to flow in every human being just the way I feel right now. Because, these little things that you do unto others is a treasure you can’t put a price on.

We just live life the way we know it right now, but we don’t really know what dimension we’d reach but what I do know is that it will be a beautiful place. Earth is just a test we go through to help mold us into the best version of ourselves. And once we get there, we’d have the privilege of transcending to a dimension that helps us complete our life’s mission. And who knows, in this dimension we transcend to, maybe life won’t be really called life, instead, it might be called transcendence to a place of infinite possibilities colluding to work in soulful union to create mindfulness in each individual journey through evolutionary progression.

The Purpose

It’s been almost a year since you went away - but the feeling of you not being there never gets old - making us feel like it’s a rainy day,
We’ve learnt the purpose of you leaving – for we live in a world that is constantly grieving,
We have faith that where ever you may be – is a brighter place - where there are no limits and you can run free,
Free from the shambles of pain – a pain you would have felt profoundly - and led to your spiritual drain,
Because you continued to live a life that made sense - although the situations surrounding you remained tense, 
You fulfilled your hopes and dreams – to help the people you inspired – when they felt they were so tired,
We understand what you left behind - was something that we realized in due time,
We will continue to follow your unforgettable legacy - even through the stormiest days - we understand that with no pain there is no gain,
The lessons you taught cannot be simply said - because to us you were far more accomplished and way ahead,
We constantly miss you our dear beloved friend - because the memories we had with you seems to have no end,
You'd always be in our thoughts and prayers as you attain peace - in a dimension that follows no convention and helps you feel at ease,
Someday we'd wait patiently until we meet again - and feel your presence until the very end,
Although it's sad that you went away - we are glad that you're not around to feel this immense pain,
You are too good a person to be on this earthly realm - filled with sins that never seems to end,
We love the joy that you continued to spread around - a miracle child for eternity you were  to all of us - when we were feeling down,
You are truly a sincere human being - we are lucky to have known you - for the person you were naturally,
Thank you is not enough words to say - but in our prayers - you'd always be remembered as a beautiful person - come what may,
We promise to continue your legacy - so that you'd look down on us and continue to smile with glee.